Statistics of the registered applications
Summing up - 3814 posters were submitted by 1672 authors! From Poland there were 414 applications and 1159 works submitted and from the other countries – 1258 and 2655 respectively.
Jury of the 24th IPB
We have a pleasure to present six designers and design critics who have accepted the invitation to be the members of the 24th International Poster Biennale in Warsaw.
What are the changes in the process of evaluation?
The jury will work in two stages, the first of them taking place online in March, and the second one to be held in Warsaw in June. A novelty introduced for this edition of the Biennale is an online poster submission system that not only improved...
The International Poster Biennale is undergoing a metamorphosis!
Registration for participating in the Biennale and the first round of the two works selection stages by the jurors will be carried out electronically, using an online works registration system.
Register now!